BBP International treats your merchandise as our own. We deliver your goods anywhere in the United States and in the whole world, intact, damage free, and in no time. We work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to ensure your goods make it to its final destination as fast as possible.

BBP International gives you the capability to track your package from start to finish

Vision – To be an international reference in Logistics, aiming at the continuous dissemination of knowledge, its trends and best practices, besides actively contributing to the full integration of the various value chains.

Mission – To promote the development of logistics by increasing its representativeness; To seek the continuous appreciation of the logistics professional; To participate in logistics issues related to infrastructure, regulations, regulatory milestones, among others; To stimulate market opportunities and alliances for its members; To develop technical studies, standardize and regulate products and services.

Values – Act with ethics, integrity and respect; Seek excellence in the results in all activities developed; Encourage the multiplication of knowledge related to logistics; Promote sustainable development for its audiences; Work with sustainable methods to reduce environmental damage.